Bacchetta Pronto on Sale!
We are so excited about the feedback we have received about our newest model, the Pronto. Larry Varney from says “I knew I had to return the bike, that others were wanting to ride it, but I seriously didn’t want to….I liked it – a lot! It was comfortable, stable, could handle turns well, and the e-assist had a very useful variety of levels – with that highest one being almost beyond any description I can think of.” Honza Galla, editor of and Sales Manager for Azub Recumbents says “…I can say that its geometry with a 20″ front and 26″ rear wheel is perfectly tuned, the bike is stable even at higher speeds, and it’s easy to maneuver.”
Given so much positive feedback, we have decided to offer a special promotion to the first 10 orders while we are away from the shop on vacation, November 4-12. In addition to the free upgrades (carbon fiber fork, custom color and Velocity wheelset) worth $624, we are offering $900 off the MSRP. So don’t wait…order now!