Get a lot of people asking about this, so here you go. What I’ve done is packed up a C/A 2.0 in a Crateworks Tandem box. This is being sent to upper New England and then flying over to Denmark. I’m new to Crateworks and this was my virgin voyage, but it worked out great for this bike and Crateworks has definitely done their homework on this great product. (Keep in mind that I’m anal, and wrapped then zip tied the crap out of it. Less movement when shipping equals less damage.) I’ve also done my best keeping the bike as complete as possible. This bike was built up complete and tested initially before going in the box so with maybe some minor adjustments it should be ready to ride.
Frame in the box. Wrapped, strapped down and secure.
At the stage above, all that is removed are the wheels, rear derailleur hanger, rear derailleur and the top stem of the two-piece riser system, of which I also folded the bars down on. I’ve also reclined the seat quite a bit. Fork, bottom riser assembley, seat, brakes, crank- all still attached, set up and ready to go.
Frame with rear wheel
Normally, there is a specific piece of the system which goes over the bike and then you put the wheels on top of it. If I would have had the bike flipped around, I probably could have done this. But she was strapped down and I didn’t have the energy to undo it. So, I put the rear wheel in with the bike and it worked out great!
Frame cover on and front wheel strapped on
Here it is with the front wheel strapped on. The hole on the right is usually for the rear wheel. Notice the straps provided to keep everything in place.
Top on, strapped up and ready to ship!
Here is the final package. It’s sizeable, but easy to carry and not nearly that heavy. Crateworks gives you a ton of strapping options on the inside, so everything is super secure and the outside straps are one piece and not four seperate bands. I’m sure this could be greatly improved upon with practice. However, this bike only needs the rear derailleur hanger screwed back on, then the rear derailleur itself, seat back inclined to a comfortable level (the bottom should be very close to the owner’s x-seam), top riser inserted, clamped and adjusted, then add the wheels. A good multi-tool should get it done lickety split. The hardest part will be removing all the zip ties…
Originally posted on on Jan. 14, 2011.