CA3.0 recognized in International Design Magazine

CA3.0 recognized in International Design Magazine

Bacchetta is proud that the CA3.0 recumbent bicycle, and designer Rich Pinto has been recognized for design excellence for 2019 in the l’Arca International Magazine of Architecture, Design and Visual Communication.  In addition, the CA3 was also nominated for the MonteCarlo Design Prize.  Arca is one of the most prestigious international publications entirely devoted to the world of modern-day design.  While we did not win a prize award, we are honored to be recognized among other greate companies in the areas of innovation, technology, design, and sustainability,  A link to a PDF article is located below and more info can be found here: Arca International

A PDF of the Magazine Highlight is here:  Arca Carbonaero

Originally posted on on February 4, 2020.

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