Joe Kratovil-Loving Cycling Again!
I came to recumbents because of injury. After twenty years of cycling my body could no longer tolerate a traditional bike saddle. For the past three seasons I’ve been Randonneuring. I had completed three Super Randonneur Series’, among other long distance cycling pursuits. Faced with the choice of either quitting the activity I love, or finding an alternative, I opted to research recumbents. I settled on the Bacchetta Giro 26 with optional euromesh seat. I decided on this bike because the high racer platform seemed to be the best for riding in the company of upright bikes. Also, the Giro model is a very durable ride which is desirable for Rando activities as well as commuting. I picked up the bike from Economy Bike Shop in Hamilton Square, New Jersey on March 15th. I needed to be ready for a 200k brevet in three weeks. The adaptation process from riding uprights to recumbents was not easy for me. I struggled at first but gradually kept improving. I worked my way through the Randonneur events one at a time. I managed to complete my fourth full series finishing the 600k just this past weekend. I feel much more comfortable on the bike and have actually come to enjoy the advantages of recumbent riding. I continue to ride with the same group of friends as I always have. They were very accepting of the new bike and have been very patient during the changeover process. Although there are some trade-offs involved, the recumbent is undeniably more comfortable to ride than anything else I’ve ever had. My body has healed from the years of abuse I heaped on it riding stiff bikes with even stiffer saddles. I love cycling again. It’s almost all I think about. See you on the roads. Joe Kratovil Hillsborough, New Jersey
Originally posted on bacchettabikes.com on June 23, 2009.
1 comment
J aime a nouveau faire du velo je pense que ç est le plus beau compliment que l on puisse faire a Bacchetta bike