Scott Lenoir: Have Bacchetta, Will Fight Diabetes!

Scott Lenoir: Have Bacchetta, Will Fight Diabetes!

Another one of our favorite types of feedback here at Bacchetta…doesn’t get any better than this! Dear friends,     I’m 55 years old and rode a hybrid mountain bike on and off for a few years.  My first recumbent was a trike and I rode a good bit, but wanted to go faster and longer. So I traded it in and bought a CA2 in August of 2010 from Ride South in Brandon.  It was comfortable from the beginning.  My idea was to put 100 miles a week on the bike and I did that until just recently.  Work and the weather have interfered with riding lately and I’m logging fewer miles, but I’m hoping that will end soon.       I began riding because I can’t walk more than a couple of miles due an ankle problem and running is out of the question.  Also, I began riding to relieve stress and maybe lose some weight while having a little fun too.  Since August, I’ve lost 20 pounds, but the best news health-wise is my A1C diabetes level dropped in an October test from 7.5 to 6.5.  Anything below 7 is out of the danger zone.   I’m Type II. The test reaches back over three months, and I took the test after riding only two months.  I’m thinking my next test, may yield even better results, “normal” results.        In summary, I feel better, having fun exercising, and my golf game has improved. I don’t know how that happened, but I’m thankful.  I love the CA2- wonderful bike- it has helped me enjoy life with better health all round.  I like zipping around the landscape of the Natchez Trace and other bike trails in my area too- it’s a fast bike and when I get more fit, it’ll be faster!  The Rev. Scott Lenoir Priest Associate, Chapel of the Cross, Madison Editor, The Mississippi Episcopalian

Originally posted on on Dec. 8, 2010.

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